Serving the Maltese Ecclesiastical Province

The Safeguarding Review Board (SRB) is set up by the Maltese Episcopal Conference to be used on an ad hoc basis when and if the competent Ordinary feels that there are grounds that the Recommendations of the Safeguarding Commission deserve reconsideration.

Referral to the Board is at the discretion of the Ordinary when s/he feels the need for any reconsideration of the facts before taking a decision on the Recommendations put forward by the Safeguarding Commission.

The remit of the Safeguarding Review Board

The competent Ordinary (Diocesan Bishop or Religious Superior) may request a review of the conclusions and recommendations of the Safeguarding Commission. The Board will only review those cases put forward by the Ordinary.

The Safeguarding Review Board reviews the facts of the case and the procedures adopted by the Safeguarding Commission.

It then determines whether to confirm the conclusions and recommendations of the Safeguarding Commission or whether to amend the same.

In those cases where the Safeguarding Review Board suggests further investigations, the case is returned with such a recommendation to the Safeguarding Commission.

The Board adopts its recommendation by a majority vote. Each member shall have the right to share his/her minority opinion with the competent Ordinary requesting the review.

All expenses incurred will be borne by the Ordinary requesting the Review.

Members of the Board for the period 2021 – 2023 are:

Professor Nadia Delicata (Chair)
Professor Maureen Cole
Rev. Dr Kevin Schembri
Ms Gillian Cachia (Administrator)

How an Ordinary can contact us:

The Safeguarding Review Board can be contacted through the email: [email protected] or by filling the form below.

The request should include a brief with the reasons for the Review requested, outlining the objections and/or difficulties of the Ordinary.

"*" indicates required fields

Name of Ordinary*